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Anti-Bullying week 2022

Upper Academy students engage in Anti-Bullying Week activities and launch 'The Bubble'.

To mark this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, Upper Academy students participated in a variety of events to:

  • Support all stakeholders in identifying RESPECT issues and bullying issues, including the differences between the two
  • Promote that we do not tolerate bullying in any form
  • Ensure all stakeholders feel confident to report

The theme of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week was ‘Reach Out’ and students collaborated to create a friendship wreath, displaying the names of volunteers students can reach out to. The colourful artwork is made up of hands and inline with our student value ‘Kindness is Everything’.

During the week, we welcomed parents and carers to an event where they had the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss work but, also how we embed our student values in the curriculum at the Academies. We are immensely proud of our young people achieving UNICEF Rights Respecting Gold Award and love to share the work the students are doing every day to promote these values.

Anti-Bullying Week also marked the launch of the ‘The Bubble’, a supervised social space within the Wellbeing Centre where students can go during lunchtimes. Students wishing to attend The Bubble during lunchtime will need to see Senior Student Development Leader 
& Respect Champion Miss Joseph.

“Bullying has a very negative impact on people’s mental health. Anti-bullying awareness is a great way to recognise and support those who have been affected by bullying." Temi.A – Year 11

“It might feel like a joke but being bullied can cause a lot of anxiety." Denisa.F – Year 11

"It can make people feel uncomfortable and unwelcome in their surroundings." Karla.P – Year 11

"Treat people they way you want to be treated." – Molly.J – Year 12

"Spread kindness as it matches our school values." – Megan.C – Year 12