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Anti-Bullying Week 2023

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, students enthusiastically participated in a range of activities aimed at fostering our school community’s respectful and inclusive environment.

Student events and activities included;

  • Student discussions during Enrichment, which focused on understanding the differences between bullying and banter.
  • A respect themed whole school assembly.
  • Kindness cakes: Specially decorated biscuits and cakes with ‘Be Kind’ slogans were sold during breaktime.
  • Odd Socks Day: Students wore odd socks to demonstrate ‘celebrating our differences’.

Anti-Bullying Week serves as a crucial reminder to foster respect and kindness. By raising awareness about the impact of bullying, the academies promote a culture where empathy prevails, creating a safer and more inclusive environment for everyone. Embracing respect is key to dismantling the cycle of bullying and building a society where individuals feel valued and supported.

“How would you like it if it happened to you, so treat people how you would like to be treated.” Ashton.L – Year 10

“Bullying is not okay. Everyone should be respected. It may seem like fun to you but in fact bullying can be very harmful to others.” Kaili.R – Year 10

“Anti-Bullying Week is important because it helps to highlight why bullying is wrong.” Mitchell.K – Year 11

“Respect other people how you want to be respected and imagine yourself in their shoes.” Charlie.C – Year 10