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EAL Students Reflect on English as a Second Language Qualification

A select group of Year 11 students gathered to celebrate the completion of the majority of their English as a Second Language qualification this week, and reflect on this experience.

We are delighted to be able to offer a wide range of qualifications to support students in enhancing their list of achievements. These students have recognised the value and importance of giving themselves as many opportunities for success as possible which will help them moving forwards in their Learning Journey.

With their Spoken, Reading and Writing units now complete, we know they will bring the same positive mindset to the remaining Listening aspect. We wish them all best of luck in this and all of their other upcoming examinations!

“This whole programme has helped me to gain knowledge and experience on various topics and subjects. I wish I could partake in a similar programme like this.” Andile.M

“I found the exam helpful because it makes me realise that English is important for my future, and how an additional qualification will help me in my future career.” Gabriella.S

“Obtaining the English as a Second Language qualification may open doors for us in the future.” Anna.D

“I am very proud of this Year 11 cohort. Well done.” M.Musa - Teacher of Mathematics & EAL Support Co-Ordinator