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Chief Constable Delivers Careers Guidance to Year 11

Essex Police Chief Constable, Ben-Julian Harrington, recently visited the Upper Academy to deliver careers guidance to our Year 11 students.

The sessions were aimed at helping students explore the diverse opportunities within the police force and proved to be an excellent insight for those considering a career in law enforcement.

The event also provided students with the opportunity to enter discussions with Community Engagement Officer, Rachel Newman and Police Community Support Officer Debbie Edwards; This allowed students to gain a deeper understanding of the various roles within the police force and the important contributions they make in keeping our communities safe.

“The police careers workshop was really useful as it gave me an insight into how my local police work. It also helped me to understand how important it is to protect our community.” Stacey.A

“I found the police careers workshop event very inspirational, especially as someone who is still unsure about what they wish to do in the future.” Angelica.S

“I learned new things about the Police, such as the different jobs that are available. It isn’t the career path that I would choose but I think that it could inspire many other students.” Alexandra.G

“I really enjoyed the careers event assembly. I feel as though it is a great idea to explain to learners what the police do and how they operate.” Cristian.C