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Former Student Bo-Starr Oliver Inspires Academy Students for National Apprenticeship Week

Apprentice Rail Engineer Bo-Starr Oliver and charity founder Ram Goyal share career insights and inspire resilience.

As part of National Apprenticeship Week, Basildon Upper Academy was delighted to welcome back former student Bo-Starr Oliver, now an Apprentice Rail Engineering Technician at ALSTOM, alongside guest speaker Ram Goyal, founder of the Human Kind Café. The event provided students with valuable insights into career pathways and the power of resilience.

Bo-Starr, a first-year Level 3 apprentice at ALSTOM, shared her journey from student to apprentice, emphasizing the advantages of ‘learning and earning’ through apprenticeships. At just 16 years old, she spoke about her role as an engineering technician, detailing the recruitment process and the various opportunities available within the industry. Encouraging students to remain resilient, she highlighted the key qualities that employers look for, inspiring them to pursue their goals with determination.

Ram Goyal captivated students by taking them through his life story, from his early years to his current role as the founder of the Human Kind Café charity in Billericay. The charity supports people from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly those facing social exclusion. Ram urged students to seize every opportunity, reinforcing the message that they never know where life might take them.

Thank you to Bo-Starr Oliver and Ram Goyal for sharing their experiences and demonstrating the rewards of hard work and perseverance.