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Advanced Maths Masterclass

During the recent Upper Academy STEM Day, students took part in ‘Advanced Mathematics Support Programme’ workshops, providing them with the opportunity to work collaboratively in developing their problem solving skills.

Students were presented with the question of ‘how many people should you date before you select the one to marry’?  Students learnt about the Optimal Stopping Theory in order to solve this problem. A number of questions were posed and discussed that included: You don't want to go for the very first person who comes along, even if they are great, because someone better might turn up later. On the other hand, you don't want to be too choosy: once you have rejected someone, you most likely won't get them back. How would they decide?

Students then had the chance towards the end of the workshop to learn about maths after GCSE and where future pathways and jobs could lead to and how, maths is involved in various jobs that may not necessarily seem obvious.

“Advanced Maths was very intriguing as I found out about Optimal Stopping theory which enhanced my perception on the theory through fun activities like the Sultan’s Dowry Problem.” Nicole.B - Year 10

“In advanced maths I had a very interesting time learning Optimal Stopping Theory, The teachers Joe and Jo were very nice and funny. They helped me a lot.” Ally.H - Year 10

“It was an awesome talk, very interactive and informative, I loved it!” Daisy. R - Year 12