Student Podcast Success

Sixth Form students Charyl, Kamila and Tega have recently produced a series of fantastic podcasts, each of which explore The Basildon Academies student values.
Discussing their own views with guests, the monthly podcasts are uploaded to Spotify. The subject of the first podcast ‘Black Lives Matter’ was successfully launched in January where the girls were joined by guest speaker Mr Morgan.
"When we initially announced our six values as student voice, I thought they encompassed everything our school aims to represent. Being able to co-host the podcast I believe, is a unique way of representing and highlighting these values, as well as drawing attention to them. I am grateful for the support of Miss Picton and Mrs Gurney who have made this idea a possibility, as well as the incredible guests that we have on each episode.” Kamila.A
"This podcast series that we are producing really means a lot to me as I wholeheartedly believe in each and every value! Listening and communicating with our guest speakers allowed me to reflect and learn more about each other and I am grateful for the opportunity to do so" Charyl.O
"The podcast is great because we can really get students views across" Tega.A
The latest Podcast ‘No Human is Illegal’ is available to listen to now on Spotify.
Click here to follow the podcast series and listen to every episode as it is released.
List of podcast topics and release dates:
- Black Lives Matter - Launched January 2022
- No Human is Illegal - Launched February 2022
- Women's Rights are Human Rights - Release date: March 2022
- Climate Change is Real - Release date: April 2022
- Love is Love - Release date: May 2022
- Kindness is Everything - Release date: June 2022