Sports Leaders Excel at Training

Upper Academy students recently took another significant step towards achieving their Sport Leaders qualifications during a day of dedicated training.
During the visit to Basildon Sporting Village, students learned the rules and regulations of track and field events. The training was a mixture of practical and theory and, upon successful completion, students will qualify as Assistant Athletics Officials, enabling them to referee at events such as district school athletics.
For the second session of the day, students welcomed Lyndsey Barrett, from ‘Sport for Confidence’. During the workshop, Lyndsey demonstrated how sport and physical activity can be fully inclusive and available to people of all abilities, enhancing health and well-being.
“I feel like I learned a lot about inclusivity in sport. Lyndsey's story was very inspiring and I will not forget this any time soon.” Shaunak.G - Year 11
“Today's sessions were really interesting. I enjoyed learning about how sport can help people who struggle with physical and mental health.” Ayla - Year 10
“This experience allowed me to learn about how people with different abilities can be included in sport.” Hemanti.S - Year 10
“I learnt a lot about inclusivity with people living with disability to being an official.” Evelyn.G - Year 13
“This was a great experience, we were able to learn and adapt our current skills in order to be more inclusive with people who have disabilities.” Victoria.J - Year 10
Well done to all Sports Leaders for their continued dedication and hard work they have put into this qualification.