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UK Parliament Week 2023

Upper Academy students enthusiastically embraced the opportunity to learn about parliamentary processes during this year's UK Parliament Week.

Students delved into the world of parliament related careers in their Enrichment time and learned about the UK Government in RSHE lessons. A proposed bill to raise the legal age of smoking each year was put to a whole school vote and the topic enabled our students to demonstrate their excellent debating skills. Results of the ballot will be published in next week’s newsletter.

“People under the age of 18 should have a chance to vote so their voice is heard. I agree that the legal age of smoking should be made higher so there will be less people dying from smoking related diseases. I have learned quite a lot about Parliament during Enrichment time.” Mercy.F - Year 10

“Personally, I think Parliament is important because its sets rules so that the country isn’t a mess, but there are some laws I do not agree with. I do not think that the voting age should be lowered as younger people may not understand as much about politics than adults.” Gabriele.G - Year 10

“I think Parliament stabilises society by creating rules which we have follow. Although crime is inevitable, I believe more crimes would be committed if it wasn’t for the laws the government put in place. Some laws could be disagreed by many throughout society, but I believe that laws can help to keep us safe, and there are consequences for those who commit offences.” Cristian.C - Year 11