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Key Stage 4 Learning

The curriculum at Basildon Upper Academy is well thought out. It is carefully planned with staff from the Basildon Lower Academy.


Year 9 students join the Upper Academy towards the end of the summer term. Throughout this time we get to know our new students and work with them to ensure their choices support their future progress, and aspire to achieve to continue their education into our Sixth Form and beyond.

We are committed to ensuring our students have the best possible opportunities to succeed at the end of Key Stage 4.  Our dedicated staff run extra-curricular and enrichment activities, as well as running daily out of hours classes, to support all our students.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are at the heart of our Academy vision and Student values. All students have the right to access a full curriculum offer, with groupings and pathways in place to support delivery. All the subjects we teach are crucial to a well-rounded learner and therefore, have been deliberately implemented to ensure engagement and a passion for learning.


Our success is based on an effective partnership between students, staff, parents and carers. We will always aim to build positive, trusting and long lasting relationships to support our students to be confident, aspirational and highly successful members of our community.

R Rees