Trust Governance Visit: Inspiring Students

A Level students studying Accounting, Business and Finance recently welcomed Dipesh Patel, a member of our trust governance, who shared his expertise and knowledge of the industry.
Sharing his life experiences, Dipesh engaged with our sixth formers in topics such as careers, university & pathways beyond the Academy.
“Dipesh was very insightful and relatable to our students. Being from a difficult background proves that if you really want something you can achieve it, which is a great message for our students. One of the main takeaways from our students was that you should do what you love. He was incredibly passionate and honest about his life and his choices and I think this really resonated with them as they are currently making choices for courses and further studies. He also spoke about investment opportunities that young people have now, including cryptocurrency which is a very current trend that interests the younger generation!” Ms B.Head - Teacher of Business and Humanities
“Dipesh demonstrated how he was able to become successful and achieve his dream. He showed us that in order to achieve something you have to be aspirational and learn that giving up is not an option. Dipesh’s story was relatable, sharing the same passion we have for our future, proving that age is just a number and it is never too late to do what you.” Dhruvika.P
“Dipesh was very influential and inspirational throughout his visit, he was very informative and passionately expressed his belief of ‘do what you love’ which although is a simple term the way he described his own life experiences was very eye-opening. Dipesh was an energetic character who taught me the lesson of patience and hard work which, when deciding my future career path is very helpful. His story showed me that although you may not have as many resources and available pathways as others; passion, hard work and networking will enable you to achieve greatness.” Jack.S